New Delhi: Expanding its PIXMA G Series lineup, Japanese giant Canon on Tuesday launched seven new ink tank printers at a starting price of Rs 11,048. The new PIXMA G Series printers include the drip-free, hands-free ink refilling mechanism and a user-replaceable maintenance cartridge designed to ensure minimum downtime and maximum productivity for homes and businesses. The new printers PIXMA G1020, PIXMA G2020, PIXMA G2021, PIXMA G2060, PIXMA G3020, PIXMA G3021, PIXMA G3060 are priced at Rs 11,048, Rs 13,922, Rs 14,523, Rs 14,203, Rs 17,102, Rs 17,704, Rs 17,403, respectively. An integrated ink tank design also keeps the printer footprint compact, while providing a clear visual indication of remaining ink levels, the company said. The new Canon G series is also compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, which enables voice-activated printing. All the printers will be available across leading e-commerce platforms and authorized retailers starting 15 February.
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