Popular Tamil director Vignesh Shivan took to his official Instagram handle and revealed that he met Spider-Man actor Tobey Maguire at Cannes 2023. In the picture, both Vignesh Shivan and Tobey Maguire were seen wearing suits and posing for the selfie. In the caption of his post, Vignesh wrote, “With Your Friendly neighbourhood #SpiderMan at the world premiere of #killersoftheflowermoon [Festival de Cannes], [Marché du Film] #cannes.”
Take a look at Vignesh Shivan’s Instagram post
Reacting to his post, one of the fans wrote, “Every 90’s kids dream To have a selfie with our childhood heroes.” Another wrote, “Wait whhhhaaaatttt.” A third fan wrote, “U r a legend bcuz u took a selfie with the Tobey.” Another comment read, “The whole american paparazzi is terrified of my man and you took a pic with him? Anyway this has to be your once in your lifetime dream happening.” A fourth user wrote, “Now you are legend bro u managed to take a selfie with him.”
For the unversed, the director confirmed last week that he has landed in Cannes and is attending the film festival as a representative of his production house, Rowdy Pictures.
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