Bollywood diva Sunny Leone walked the red carpet of the premiere of her film Kennedy at the Cannes Film Festival. Sunny was seen turning heads in a nude-colour gown with a dramatic cape. The actress was seen keeping the look classy, tying her hair into a sleek bun, and keeping her make-up simple. Sharing the pictures of her Cannes 2023 red carpet moment on her official Instagram handle, she wrote, “The world premiere of #kennedy and here is my gown!”
The actress joined Kennedy’s lead actor Rahul Bhatt, and key supporting actor Abhilash Thapliyal at the premiere.
Take a look at breathtaking pictures of Sunny Leone
As soon as the actress landed in Cannes, she slipped into a green gown. The actress decks herself out with magnificent Flavia Vetorasso jewellery to go with her attire. She chose to have free-flowing hair and soft glam makeup.
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