A Nagpur-based businessman was duped of Rs 5.39 crore by a gang of 18 persons on the promise of high returns on investment in foreign countries, a police official said. The Economic Offences Wing official said Ankurkumar Agrawal, a coal trader, registered a case with Dhantoli police station based on which a probe began.
“As per Agrawal, a man identified as Mandar Kolte got in touch with him and lured him into a plan about investing in foreign countries. Kolte was assisted by 17 persons, most of them from Mumbai. They even took Agrawal to various five star hotels for meetings to convince him,” the official said. “The victim transferred Rs 5.39 crore into various bank accounts of the accused as per the investment plan but soon realised he was duped. A demand draft given to him by the accused also turned out to be fake,” he added. A case was registered against 18 persons under the Indian Penal Code for cheating, impersonation, criminal breach of trust and other offences, the official informed. No one has been arrested in the case and probe was underway, the official added.
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