The Border Security Force (BSF) held a recruitment drive for children in the Humhama area of Budgam district on Monday. The Rozgar Mela is a drive organized by the government of India as part of the PAN-Presence Across Nation India program.

On this occasion, Ajay Kumar Mishra, India’s Minister of State (MoS) for Home Affairs, handed offer letters to young people.

“Unemployment is a big concern for everyone and these types of recruitment drives give opportunities to youths to earn their livelihood and make their future bright. Apart from different states of the country, last year, hundreds of youths from Jammu and Kashmir also submitted their application for different posts’, said MoS Mishra.

“During this special recruitment drive, more than fifty-one thousand candidates have been selected and out of them, one hundred thirty-two are from Jammu and Kashmir”, he added.