Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa on Friday said five people have been killed in the massive explosion in his home district and announced ex-gratia of Rs 5 lakh to the families of the victims. “Five people have died in yesterday’s incident at Hunasodu village near Shivamogga. I will direct the Deputy Commissioner of Shivamogga district to release a grant of Rs 5 lakh to the kin of the victims,” said the Chief Minister. He said the quarry owner Sudhakar and two of his associates have been arrested.
Conceding that illegal mining activities were going on, the Chief Minister said he would ensure that such incidents are not repeated. “Tomorrow I am going there. Illegal mining activities are going on. I will try to take steps to prevent the repetition of such incidents in future,” said Yediyurappa.
To a question about the allegations of a few ruling BJP MLAs that illegal mining has grown menacingly, Yediyurappa said such activities
have been stopped at four to five places. “We will initiate stringent actions to stop illegal mining,” he added. To a question on loopholes in the system caused the explosion, he said let the investigation complete first.
According to him, officials have reached the spot and have started the investigation. Along with them, a team of bomb disposal squad, mines, and geology is working there. He underlined that appropriate action would be initiated against the accused persons behind the explosion based on the preliminary investigation. Yediyurappa added that his son and Shivamogga MP BY Raghavendra had visited the spot whereas the newly inducted state Mines and Geology Minister Murugesh Nirani would go there soon.
Earlier the Chief Minister had expressed his grief through a tweet. “My deepest condolences to the bereaved family members. I wish a speedy recovery to the injured,” the Chief Minister tweeted. The authorities have not ruled out the possibility of the death toll increasing.
“There are rumours that at least 10 to 15 people have died. Let the police complete their investigation,” said Shivamogga Deputy Commissioner KB Shivakumar on Friday.
The sound of the blast, which was initially thought to be an earthquake, was heard in neighbouring Davangere, Chikkamagaluru, and
Uttara Kannada districts. In Shivamogga, the effect was severe as some houses developed cracks, roof tiles and window panes shattered into pieces. The vehicle was badly mangled and the bodies of the victims were dismembered beyond recognition.
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