Mayawati, the leader of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), shot down rumors that her party would form an alliance and declared that it would “single-handedly” run in the general elections of 2024. According to a post by Mayawati on the “X” app today, “BSP, like in 2007, will solely contest the upcoming general elections and four state assemblies by uniting crores of neglected and dispersed people of the society on the basis of mutual brotherhood, rather than the “jugaad” and manipulation done by opponents.”
The former Uttar Pradesh chief minister dismissed speculations that the BSP may join the Opposition alliance bloc INDIA and urged the media not to spread fake news.
Further coming down heavily on the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the Opposition bloc- INDIA, Mayawati said that, unlike BSP, most of the parties of both coalitions are “anti-poor, casteists and capitalists”.
“Policies of most of the parties of NDA and INDIA alliance are anti-poor, casteist, communal, pro-‘Dhanna Seth’ (capitalists) and the BSP has been continuously fighting against them. The question of contesting elections in alliance with them does not arise. Hence appeal to the media – no fake news please,” the BSP chief said.
Later this year, assembly elections are scheduled to take place in Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh. In the 2018 Rajasthan assembly elections, BSP had won six seats. The party’s vote share increased during the election from 3.37 percent in 2013 to 4%. 2018 saw the BSP win two seats and receive 5.01 percent of the vote in Madhya Pradesh. The BSP received 3.87 percent of the vote in the 2018 Chhattisgarh assembly elections, winning two seats.
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