Border Security Force (BSF) on Sunday, found a Pakistani drone near the border region in Amritsar. Acting on intelligence received by the intelligence wing regarding the drone’s presence, troops from BSF Punjab conducted a search operation in the suspected vicinity. Subsequently, they found one drone in a farming field beyond the border security fence near Dhanoe Khurd village around 11:10 am on Sunday. The recovered drone has been identified as a China-manufactured DJI Mavic 3 Classic.
Earlier today, Punjab Police and BSF made a significant breakthrough against trans-border narcotic smuggling networks by dismantling an international drug smuggling module and apprehending seven drug smugglers in Fazilka, Punjab. During the joint operation, law enforcement seized 5.47 kilograms of pure grade heroin and Rs 1.7 lakh in cash from the arrested individuals. This operation follows a recent incident on May 24 when BSF discovered a packet of suspected heroin weighing 400 grams in Punjab’s Amritsar district. The drug packet was found in a farming field in Roranwala Kalan village.
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