The Border Security Force (BSF) on Thursday foiled a smuggling bid and recovered approximately 2 kg of contraband suspected to be heroin in the village Dalla Rajput in Punjab’s Amritsar District, said the BSF in a statement.
Acting on a tip-off, on February 16 at 1:30 pm, BSF troops carried out an area domination patrol near the village of Dalla Rajpur in Amritsar when they observed 1 packet of the suspicious item lying in a paddy field. “During the search, the force said, two packets of narcotic items suspected to be heroin weighing approximately 2 kg have been recovered by BSF Troops wrapped in a white cloth,” the statement added.
Earlier in the month, the Border Security Force shot down a Pakistani drone near the International Border in Rajasthan’s Sriganganagar sector and seized six kilogrammes of narcotics. The BSF achieved success during a joint operation carried out in close coordination with Rajasthan Police in the general area of Srikaranpur of the Sriganganagar sector on the India-Pakistan International Border (IB).
The BSF personnel shot down the drone in the joint operation soon after it crossed the IB to smuggle narcotics into Indian territory. “During the intervening night of February 3-4, 2023, alert BSF troops deployed on Indo-Pak International Border in General area Srikaranpur of Sector Sriganganagar, in a Joint Ops with Police shot down a Pak drone which entered into India side of IB to smuggle Narcotics,” said the BSF in a statement earlier in the month.
During the search, the force said, one Pakistani drone and two bags containing six packets of suspected narcotics weighing approximately 6 kg have been recovered by BSF troops. The BSF is responsible to guard the 3,323 km India-Pakistan border.