The Border Security Force (BSF) recovered a China-made drone, ‘DJI Matrice 300 RTK’ during patrolling in Punjab’s Fazilka district on Monday, said a BSF official. The drone ‘DJI Matrice 300 RTK’ (made in China) was found in a farming field along the international border of India on Monday, he added. Based on a tip-off, teams of BSF and Punjab Police launched a search operation in the village area of New Hasta Kalan under District Fazilka.
“On February 20 at about 9:30 am, alert troops of Border Security Force recovered a Quadcopter (DJI Matrice) from the farming field during the search operation near Village – New Hasta Kalan in Fazilka district”, BSF official said.
This is the second recovery of the unmanned aerial vehicle in the past 24 hours. In the previous incident, the Border Security Force (BSF) on Sunday recovered a drone and a four packets of heroin during a search operation near Ghaniake village of Gurdaspur district. “On 19th February at about 9.30am, alert troops of BSF, while carrying out area domination patrol ahead of border fencing observed some suspicious items lying in the farming field near Ghaniake village in district Gurdaspur,” said a BSF spokesperson.
The BSF in coordination with Punjab Police once again captured a rogue drone, said the official.
On Saturday, the force recovered 20 packets of heroin and a cache of arms and ammunition after a gunfight with Pakistani smugglers along the international border in Gurdaspur.