The Border Security Force (BSF) discovered a China-made drone near Maboke village in Punjab’s Ferozepur district, as reported by the BSF Punjab Frontier in a press release on Saturday.

According to the official statement, on December 8, 2023, at approximately 10:10 p.m., the BSF intercepted the movement of a suspected drone near Maboke Village. In accordance with established protocols, BSF troops promptly reacted by firing on the drone to intercept it. Subsequently, during a search on the morning of December 9, BSF troops found a small drone along with a hold and release mechanism in a farming field adjacent to Rohilla Hazi village.

The recovered drone is identified as a quadcopter with the model DJI Mavic 3 Classic, manufactured in China.

This incident is part of a recurring problem in Punjab, where attempts are made to smuggle arms or narcotics into Indian territory using drones. The use of drones by cross-border smugglers has posed a significant challenge in the state.

Earlier in the week, the BSF, in collaboration with the Punjab Police, successfully retrieved a Pakistani drone in the Amritsar sector. The drone was found in a farming field near Dhanoe Kalan village in Amritsar. Similar to the recently recovered drone, it was identified as a quadcopter with the model DJI Mavic 3 Classic, also manufactured in China.

These incidents highlight the persistent efforts of smugglers to exploit drone technology for illegal activities across the India-Pakistan border, prompting increased vigilance and countermeasures by security forces to curb such activities.