The Border Security Force (BSF) has lodged a formal protest with Pakistan Rangers following an incident of unprovoked firing on one of its forward posts along the International Border (IB) in Jammu. The incident, which occurred on Wednesday evening in the R S Pura Sector, prompted a retaliatory response from the Indian side, highlighting the continued volatility along the border.

According to officials, the BSF and Pakistan Rangers engaged in a Sector commander level flag meeting lasting nearly half an hour at the border outpost Octroi in Suchetgarh on Thursday afternoon. The meeting aimed to address the recent ceasefire violation and discuss measures to prevent further escalation of tensions along the IB.

The ceasefire violation occurred when Pakistan Rangers fired upon a BSF post at Makwal in the R S Pura Sector, leading to a swift response from the Indian side. The exchange of fire persisted for approximately 25 minutes, but fortunately, there were no casualties or damages reported on the Indian side.

Both sides emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and tranquility along the International Border during the flag meeting. The meeting concluded on a positive note, with mutual agreement to uphold ceasefire agreements and prevent any further incidents of violence. The incident underscores the ongoing challenges faced by security forces in maintaining stability along the border. Despite repeated instances of ceasefire violations, efforts from both sides to engage in dialogue and uphold peace remain crucial in de-escalating tensions and ensuring the safety of border residents.

The BSF’s firm stance against ceasefire violations reflects its commitment to protecting India’s territorial integrity and ensuring the safety of its personnel deployed in border areas. As both nations strive to maintain peace along the border, continued vigilance and diplomatic efforts are essential to prevent any escalation of hostilities.