A joint operation conducted by the Border Security Force (BSF) and Punjab Police led to the recovery of a drone manufactured in China from a farming field in Tarn Taran district. This recent discovery adds to a series of similar findings in various districts of Punjab, raising concerns about the use of such drones for illicit activities.

In the morning hours of Monday, the BSF and Punjab Police launched a search operation based on specific intelligence about a drone’s presence near Dal village in Tarn Taran. During the operation, at approximately 9:30 am, a quadcopter identified as a DJI Mavic 3 classic, made in China, was successfully recovered from the field.

This recovery follows previous instances where similar drones were found. Earlier, on the outskirts of Daoke village in Amritsar district, a joint operation between the BSF and Punjab Police led to the discovery of another DJI Mavic 3 classic. Additionally, a similar drone was intercepted near Maboke village in Ferozepur district, with BSF troops promptly reacting and firing on the drone to intercept it.

The repeated recovery of Chinese-manufactured drones in various districts of Punjab indicates a concerning trend. There have been growing instances of drones being used to transport narcotics and other illegal substances across borders, prompting heightened vigilance and collaborative efforts between law enforcement agencies to counter such activities.

The consistent interception of these drones underscores the need for stricter surveillance measures and continuous monitoring to prevent their usage for illicit purposes, ensuring the security and integrity of the region.