Amid the ongoing probe into the case of Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, claims and counter-claims from the late star’s kin and friends continue to pour in. Now the question being asked is whether the probe agencies will get any clue from different versions and accounts of Rajput’s relatives or they will get confused further.

Now, Sushant’s brother-inlaw Vishal Singh Kirti has come out with a rebuttal to the comments made by Rhea Chakraborty in her recent interview. Based in the USA, Vishal Kirti has written a ‘hard-hitting’ blog trashing the statements made by Rhea in her first interview a few days ago.

 In the same blog, Vishal Kiriti accused Mumbai Police of having performed a cover-up by claiming that the late star searched for painless death. Vishal, who is married to Sushant’s sister Shweta, began with the disclaimer that he is basing his opinions on conversations with other family members, and is not speaking on behalf of Sushant’s father.

He outright rejected Rhea’s allegation that the family did not support Sushant when his mental health declined. Vishal wrote that while he is a ‘champion’ of mental health awareness, he believes that in the case of Sushant’s death, the angle is being used as a ‘cover-up’.

He also defended his sisters-in-law, who according to Rhea, did not stay back at the resort where they all met, despite Sushant showing worrying signs.