While the BJP has already announced its candidates for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Haryana, the Congress is yet to release its list. Among the 10 Lok Sabha seats in Haryana, Karnal has gained particular attention as the former CM Manohar Lal has been fielded by the BJP, prompting the Congress to take time in finalizing its candidate for this crucial seat. However, the Brahmin Mahasabha and the Vishwa Brahmin Sangh are now reminding Deepak Babaria of the promise made by the Congress to field a Brahmin candidate in Karnal.

A letter has been sent to Deepak Babaria by Jile Singh Pancholia on behalf of Brahmin Mahasabha Haryana and Vishwa Brahmin Sangh, urging him to honor the commitment made to the society. During his visit to Karnal, Deepak Babaria had pledged to consider the demand for a Brahmin candidate from Karnal, acknowledging the community’s participation.

In the letter addressed to Deepak Babaria, the state presidents of Brahmin Mahasabha Haryana and Vishwa Brahmin Sangh expressed their concerns. They reminded him of the meeting held at the AICC office in Delhi where Brahmins in Haryana had requested two tickets for Brahmins in the Lok Sabha elections of 2017, including the traditional seat of Karnal, which was also assured by AAP.

The Brahmin community of Haryana is now requesting the AICC and Deepak Babaria to allocate two tickets, in addition to the traditional Karnal seat. They highlight that the BJP has already given two tickets to Brahmins. The Brahmin community assures full support to the Congress, pledging to secure victories in both seats, including Karnal, and cooperate in forming the government in Delhi and Haryana. Several names have been deliberated within the Congress regarding candidates for the Karnal seat. The extent to which the Congress high command considers the society’s appeals will become apparent in due course.