A bizarre and troubling incident happened in Madhya Pradesh in which a nine-year old boy was hung inside a well in Chattarpur. He was punished for allegedly stealing a mobile phone. A clip of a camera recording is going viral on social media in which the boy is seen hung in the well. According to a report on Tuesday, the event took place in Chhatarpur’s Lavkush Nagar police station’s jurisdiction. Family members of the child also recorded a video of the incident, according to Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Vikram Singh. “A father submitted a complaint that his son was forcibly hung within a well by a resident of the same village who accused the minor of stealing a cell phone,” he said. “As soon as we received the complaint, our personnel immediately reached the spot. We registered a case under section 308 and SC/ST act,” ASP Singh said.
Meanwhile, a boy who shot the video of the incident claimed that he was thrashed by police for capturing the video. The police slapped and beat him with slippers, he alleged.
ASP Singh, however, denied any such incident that occurred into the matter.
“If any family member lodged a complaint or any matter related to it comes to our notice, then surely it would be investigated and action will be taken,” the police official said.
Further investigation is underway.
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