Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai and BJP stalwart B S Yediyurappa will launch the ‘Jana Sankalpa Yatra’ in at least 50 Assembly constituencies in poll-bound Karnataka on Tuesday, beginning in Raichur. The yatra coincides with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra,’ which will last until October 20 in the state.

“The Chief Minister, along with former CM Yediyurappa, will start the Jana Sankalpa Yatra (JSY) on Tuesday from Raichur. The yatra with gaps will continue till December 25. During this period, the two leaders will cover 50 Assembly segments,” a BJP office-bearer said.

He added that the current tour from Raichur would last three days and would then resume from a different location. According to him, the Chief Minister would be on a whirlwind tour for the next three days. Bommai would travel to Ballari on Tuesday morning, arriving in Raichur in the afternoon to participate in the yatra.

He would have yatra-related events in Maski in Raichur, Kushtagi in Koppal, Hoovinahadagali and Hospet, the district headquarters town of Vijayanagara, and Siriguppa in Ballari district over the next three days. After two days, on October 16, the Chief Minister will attend the SC Morcha Samavesha in Mysuru. This month, Bommai will travel to Bidar, Yadgir, and Kalaburagi.

According to sources close to the Chief Minister, he will attend the OBC Morcha Samavesha in Kalaburagi on October 30. Already, BJP State Chief Nalin Kumar Kateel and BJP National General Secretary and Karnataka in-charge Arun Singh are holding public meetings across the state, according to a BJP office-bearer.