Bollywood singer Arijit Singh’s show, scheduled for November 4, received approval from the Chandigarh Police following a survey conducted in Sector-34 on Tuesday. The Deputy Commissioner, Vinay Pratap Singh, has submitted their report (NOC) to grant permission, with the District Commissioner’s approval pending.
It is worth noting that initially, the police had denied permission for the show, citing concerns over the organizers’ parking plan. However, a revised plan was submitted, indicating the provision of 10 new parking spots, in addition to some vacant plots designated for parking.
The organizers had assured the police that their volunteers would also assist in managing the parking arrangements. It is estimated that around 25,000 fans, who have purchased expensive tickets to watch Arijit Singh’s show, are expected to attend. Consequently, approximately five to six thousand cars will need to be accommodated in Sector-34, where fairs are already taking place, leading to limited parking space.
Reportedly, the show has tickets priced at INR 1,800 for students and more expensive tickets going up to INR 2 lakhs, which include a seat with a table and beverage service. The show was originally scheduled for May 27 in Sector 34 but was postponed due to inclement weather.
Prior to the rescheduled date, posters of Arijit Singh were placed in various locations in the city, generating a lot of excitement in the Tricity area. Although the show was cancelled initially, some people had already booked tickets.
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