A slew of Bollywood celebrities including Dia Mirza, Prasoon Joshi, Renuka Shahane and Ankita Lokhande have reacted to the BMC demolition drive on the office of Kangana Ranaut on Wednesday. Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation started demolishing the actress’ Bandra property on Wednesday for alleged un- authorised modifications and extensions. IMPPA, the association of film producers in India, has condemned the BMC for its demolition drive at the office building of the actress. IMPPA president TP Aggarwal said: “All these things are neither good for the government nor good for Kangana Ranaut. The action taken by the Maharashtra government or BMC is absolutely wrong and should be condemned.”

The actress had tweeted photographs of the BMC demolishing and also reacted to it. The Bombay High Court later passed a stay order on the demolition and posted the matter for hearing on 22 September.

Here’s what the celebrities have to say:

Prasoon Joshi: Stay strong @ KanganaTeam you have the inner strength to see you through the toughest of times #KanganaRanaut.

Renuka Shahane: Though I did not like @KanganaTeam ‘s comment comparing Mumbai
to POK I am appalled by the revenge demolition carried out by @mybmc You do not have to stoop so low. @CMOMaharashtra please intervene. There is a pandemic we are dealing with. Do we need this unnec- essary drama?

Dia Mirza: I don’t agree with many of the things Kangana has said in the last few months. The name-calling, the vicious personal attacks on individuals, the vilification of people. At the same time, I am not okay with her being subjected to personal attacks.

Ankita Lokhande: BRAVEHEART Exorbitant love & More Power to you @KanganaTeam
Sonal Chauhan: Breaking somebody’s dream, is NOT what I will ever support. I do not support @KanganaTeam ‘s office being demolished. What’s wrong is wrong!!!

Vivek Agnihotri: This is the NAUGHTIEST Govt in the history of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s, Babasheb Ambedkar and Balasaheb’s great Maharashtra.

Rahul Dholakia: It’s principally wrong and against democracy to use the power of a public office to get back at a person just because you don’t like what they say or do- How is this any different than the tactics used by a Govt of unleashing CBI, ED, Police or even mob lynchers to silence dissent?

Rashami Desai: From Power to politics to drugs. The fight for Justice surely has turned too ugly to witness. Well! This “drama” is next level, totally lacking discipline and rules. And there is more to come. #shame #DeathOfDemocracy.

Himanshi Khurana: What’s going on in Mumbai.. #BMC should wait at least…. where’s the democracy.. this is wrong… to demolish anyone’s dream house/office #DeathOfDemocracy.

Devoleena Bhattacharjee: Vinaash kaale Viparit Buddhi. #DeathOfDemocracy.

Now Kangana Ranaut herself has taken inspection of the office along with sister Rangoli. Both paid visit to Pali Hill office in Bandra West. Kangana came with her Y plus security, where Mumbai police also had increased the security for the actress.

The latest development came two days after a BMC team paid a surprise visit to her production house Manikarnika Films office. The survey was followed by a notice to Ranaut to stop the ongoing works within 24 hours, but after her staffers refused to accept it, the notice was posted outside her office on Tuesday. On Wednesday morning, Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai pasted a second notice outside Ranaut’s office in Mumbai, alleging unlawful construction in the premises.