Aashram, a web series starring actor Bobby Deol, is all set to release on 28 August on OTT platform MX Player. Prakash Jha’s Aashram revolves around a godman who has a dark side. The fictional city of Kashipur is an empire created by a Baba Nirala. The godman has a hidden bunker in his ashram, where he keeps young women in jail-type structures. The police had found several bodies of young women in the area, and the story seems to progress to show the godman as a conman.
A Virtual interaction was held for the media with the cast and crew of the web series. Director Prakash Jha said that he is excited to work on the digital front. “It is a very different experience not only to work on a web series but also all the actors have cooperated and given their best shot and efforts to the series,” Jha said.
Bobby Deol during the interaction said that he was very excited to play such a type of role as it is quite different from other roles played by him. He also revealed that when he was offered the role, he had decided he was doing it as the story is something new and unique.
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