Starring Sonam Kapoor in the lead role, Blind is currently available for streaming on JioCinemas. In the film, the talented actress embraces a captivating role as a visually impaired woman who unexpectedly finds herself embroiled in a high-stake criminal investigation. The talented actress has garnered considerable appreciation for her performance in Blind. Purab Kohli also received praise for delivering a captivating performance. On the other hand, some tweets pointed out that the film lacks originality.
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Sonam Kapoor Ahuja is back #blind
— Best of Sonam (@iconicSonam) July 6, 2023
#sonamkapoor forgot that blind people too can have expressions! Pathetic. What a wasted comeback👎🏻 #Blind #blindmovie #blindmoviereview
— sahiba chhabra (@sahibachhabra20) July 6, 2023
@sonamakapoor, you have outdone yourself. You were powerful, vulnerable, scared and courageous all at once. Your body language, your approach, amazing! #blind #sonamkapoor @Shomemakhija @ga
— sort of magic ✨ (@SwastickBasu) July 6, 2023
#Blind is such an earnest movie and @sonamakapoor is delivering her best, most earnest and yet controlled performance. It's surprising to see her back in motion in a more timid, grim and thrilling setting and she really feels at home with Gia Singh
— priley alam (@prileykwest) July 6, 2023
Just watched blind average movie
Watch it for purab Kohli that's it.#blind #Bollywood #Threads— VEDANTA (@THE_UPFRONT95) July 6, 2023
Therefore, just like any other film, Sonam Kapoor starrer has generated a range of mixed reactions from viewers.