Blake Lively, who is expecting her fourth child with husband and actor Ryan Reynolds, has shared some quirky, hilarious maternity style tips. On Sunday, Blake posted an image of herself wearing an open dress to reveal her baby bump underneath a long skirt. “When the back of your skirt won’t zip and the front of your dress won’t button, wear both..Who says two wrongs don’t make a right??” Blake wrote alongside the image. In the image, Blake is seen sporting a black dress with white polka dots, layered over a black skirt, each serving a necessary function. With a smile on her face and a necklace of pearls to complete the ensemble, Blake looks extremely cute. Blake broke the news of her pregnancy by making her baby bump debut at the Forbes Power Women’s Summit in 2022, People reported. “I just like to create. Whether that’s baking or storytelling or businesses or humans, I just really like creating,” Blake quipped at the event. Ryan and Blake tied the knot in 2012. Their eldest daughter, James, was born in 2014. In 2016, the two welcomed their second daughter, Inez, and their third, Betty, in 2019.