As part of National Voters Day, BJYM Chandigarh organized a mega event at Ram Leela ground, Vikas Nagar Mauli Jagran, Chandigarh. The gathering included BJP State General Secretary Amit Jindal, BJYM National Executive Member Sukhwinder Sukhi, BJYM Chandigarh President Mehakveer Sandhu, State General Secretaries Shashank Dubey, and Priya Paswan.

Addressing the attendees, Mahakvir Sandhu emphasized the unmatched popularity of Prime Minister Modi. Despite bone-chilling weather, the event witnessed a significant turnout, with over 1200 young voters in attendance. Sandhu mentioned Prime Minister Modi’s renaming of the young generation from Gen Z to Amrit Peedi, emphasizing their pivotal role in making India a Vishwa Guru.

BJYM has committed to assisting these voters in registering and exercising their voting rights, encouraging their active participation in nation-building.