BJP’s media cell has prepared a media centre at the main office of the party. The media centre is specially prepared for the assembly elections and was inaugurated by State President CP Joshi by cutting the ribbon. State in-charge and MP Arun Singh, leader of opposition in the assembly Rajendra Rathod, BJP’s national media coordinator Anil Baluni, national spokespersons Sudhanshu Trivedi and Shahzad Poonawala and media department coordinator Pramod Vashishtha were present on this occasion.
State Convenor of BJP Media Department, Pramod Vashishtha, said, “A computer lab has been prepared for media personnel in the Hi-Tech Media Centre. Here, media persons will be able to work on their news and articles, while a press conference room with WiFi and a separate chamber has been made for television media bytes. Apart from this, a separate chamber has been prepared for one-to-one discussions with top party officials and leaders. Apart from this, separate arrangements have been made to install electronic media cameras in the press conference room itself so that the media persons do not face any kind of problem.” During this, the BJP leaders launched a scathing attack on the Gehlot-led government of the state. While congratulating the people of the state on Navratri and Durga Ashtami, Joshi said that the departure of the Congress government from the state is now certain. He said that Priyanka Gandhi had made shameful remarks about Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Dausa. He said that despite being a big leader of Congress, Priyanka Gandhi is lying to the public.
State in-charge Arun Singh said that the Congress Chief Minister remained stuck to his chair throughout his tenure, and his entire focus was on saving his chair. Singh added, “Due to this there was no one to look after the people of the state. There is huge resentment among the public due to this, and due to the ongoing factionalism in Congress, there will be no workers left to take the name of Congress in Rajasthan in the coming time.”