Bharatiya Janata Party leader Saudan Singh, responded to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call by participating in the ‘Swachh Teerth’ campaign. Singh engaged in cleaning activities at the Shri Radha Krishna Temple in local Sector 18.

During this event, he expressed that the consecration of the idol of Ram Lala in the Shri Ram temple in Ayodhya has brought about a sense of divinity across the country. The ‘Rammayi’ atmosphere is motivating efforts to maintain cleanliness not only in Ayodhya’s temples and pilgrimage sites but also nationwide. This endeavor aims to demonstrate faith in religion through cleanliness and public service.

Saudan Singh also assessed the progress of BJP Chandigarh’s initiative to produce 125 quintals of desi ghee laddus. These laddus are intended for distribution among the people on January 22 to celebrate the consecration of the Lord Shri Ram temple in Ayodhya. He extended his best wishes to the devotees of Lord Ram and all those involved in this initiative.

The event saw the presence of BJP State President Jatinder Malhotra, BJP State Vice President Ramveer Bhatti (in-charge of Laddu Prasad distribution), Kailash Chand Jain, Treasurer Pradeep Bansal, Avi Bhasin, Office Secretary Sunny Puri, Mayor Anoop Gupta, Executive District President Satpal Verma, Mandal President Sumita Kohli, along with other party workers.