On Monday, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, during his tours of Mumbai and Telangana, said in a media interaction at Jaipur airport before departure that the BJP’s religious card did not work. He said, “The card that they tried to play with full force. The language used by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath cannot be considered appropriate under any circumstances. Utterances that provoke people create tension in elections.”
He alleged that BJP leaders used provocative language in the campaign and attempted to play the ‘religious card’. However, the people have rejected them.
Along with this, Gehlot also said that after the voting for the assembly elections, Congress will get a clear majority in the counting scheduled for December 3. Gehlot said that there is no anti-incumbency wave against the state government. He said, “Voting has taken place extensively, and I understand that an undercurrent has been created in Rajasthan.
It should be noted that even before this, Chief Minister Gehlot has said after the voting that the Congress government will repeat in Rajasthan.