BJP spokesperson Amit Goyal accused the Congress government of widespread misrule, corruption, crimes against women, and going back on promises to youth and farmers. They have launched an attack on Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot. BJP spokesperson Amit Goyal stated that Congress means corruption, crime, and cheating. In the last five years, the 200 Congress-winning and losing MLAs have looted the government. Goyal said, “Loot sake to loot, time poora ho jayega, kursi jayegi choot.”
Allegations of loot against Congress
He alleged, “During Congress’s medical minister Raghuraj Sharma’s time, money was taken from the candidates during NHM recruitment. After that, the minister says there was no such case, even though the minister himself had tweeted about this recruitment at the time. Congress people are the enemies of humanity. Even during a severe crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, these people did not refrain from looting. They sold a five-rupee mask for 30 rupees and bought an oxygen concentrator for 35,000 rupees for 1.5 lakh rupees.”
Allegations of murders of saints and priests against Congress
BJP state spokesperson Amit Goyal said that during the Congress government, Health Minister Rajendra Singh Gudha and MLA Divya Maderna have accused their own government of misrule. He said that this gives an idea of what the credibility of the government was.
“Today, there is turmoil within the Congress, which is why its ministers Lalchand Kataria, Hemaram Chaudhary, and MLA Bharat Singh are refusing to contest elections. Bharat Singh is the MLA who levelled serious allegations of corruption against the Mining Minister of the government. After this, MLA Bharat Singh sent a letter to Chief Minister Gehlot, but no action was taken. In the state, saints committed suicide, priests were murdered, and the government did not spare the poor, labourers, and farmers,” Goyal added.