BJP candidate Gopal Sharma from the Civil Lines Assembly constituency in Jaipur has demanded the removal of the ASP Sodala Shyam Sundar and the SHO Rajendra Singh Shekhawat from the election process, alleging concerns of fake voting against the Congress candidate. He stated that the Congress candidate and Minister Pratap Singh Khachariyawas could arrange for bogus votes through the police. In the complaint, he has urged the Election Department to immediately remove ASP Sodala Shyam Sundar and SHO Rajendra Singh Shekhawat from election duties. The complaint also accuses Khachariyawas of violating the Model Code of Conduct and claims that BJP supporters and voters are being intimidated. He has requested strict measures on the day of voting. The complaint emphasizes the necessity of removing some police officers for impartial voting.
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