BJP’s IT Cell chief Amit Malviya on Thursday took a swipe at the Congress government in Karnataka for “not having funds” for the MLAs to carry out development works in their constituencies. He was reacting to the statement of Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar, who said on Wednesday the Congress government in the state cannot provide funds for development this year because of financial constraints caused due to implementation of its five poll guarantees.
Shivakumar, who is also the state Congress President, had said an effort will be made to ensure that the party legislators, who have huge expectations, understand the situation and remain patient. Some Congress MLAs are said to be miffed and have complained to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and party leadership that they have not been able to get work done in their constituencies, and also transfers (of government servants) as requested, and have expressed unhappiness regarding ministers, alleging non-cooperation.
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