The BJP in the state is working on strengthening its own network before the legislative assembly elections. In this series, former Deputy Chairman of Kishangarh Municipal Council, Rakesh Kakda, Prakash Rathi, and Jagdish Kothiwal have joined the BJP. They were welcomed into the party by the BJP’s State Election Management Committee Coordinator Narayan Pancharya and Ajmer MP Bhagirath Choudhary, who draped them in the party’s shawl and offered them sweets.
On this occasion, State Media Coordinator Pramod Vashisth was also present. During the event, Ajmer MP and BJP candidate from Kishangarh, Bhagirath Choudhary, stated, “The state is currently suffering under a government that engages in corruption and dishonesty. The upcoming legislative assembly elections will see the BJP forming a government with a strong majority. The three individuals who joined the BJP today all share the party’s ideology and are influential figures in the legislative assembly constituency.”
Meanwhile, Narayan Pancharya, Coordinator of the Election Management Committee, mentioned that the three individuals who joined the BJP today will have a distinct presence in the Kishangarh legislative assembly.
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