Tripura chief minister Manik Saha on Sunday said the BJP will talk about the good governance provided by the state government and will also spread awareness about its efforts towards a drug-free state in the state Assembly Elections 2023. CM Manik Saha’s remarks came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 95th edition of Mann Ki Baat.
Ahead of Tripura assembly polls that are due in 2023, the BJP on Saturday announced it would start Har Ghar Abhiyan in all 60 constituencies in the state. “Under the leadership of Chief Minister Manik Saha, all-around improvement has taken place in respect to law and order, road construction, connectivity, and employment. The government has also ensured peace. The conviction rate is higher than during the reign of the left government,” the BJP Tripura Pradesh said.
The campaign, which is scheduled to continue till December 3, will touch all the party workers, voters, and people in these areas.
As per the release, all the ministers, MPs, and MLAs will visit each and every constituency and prepare report cards against each constituency. It will make people aware of the developmental work done by BJP in the state, so they can decide whether the government has really worked or not.