The BJP on Monday launched an indefinite dharna near Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s official residence asking him to open his bungalow to the people for a visit amid allegations that Rs 45 crore was spent on its renovation.
The protesters demanded the chief minister open the gates of the 6, Flagstaff Road, Civil Lines residence to the general public so that they can see for themselves his “lavish living”, even if the entry is ticketed.
Leading the protesters, BJP MP from Chandni Chowk Harsh Vardhan said Kejriwal should open his bungalow to the common people so that they can see for themselves the renovation that was undertaken.
He can do so by issuing entry tickets, the former Union minister said.
The BJP has been attacking Kejriwal and his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), alleging that the chief minister spent Rs 45 crore on the renovation of his official residence during 2020-22.
The AAP leaders have alleged that the BJP was trying to divert attention from the real issues faced by the country under its government at the Centre.
Party leaders, including Sanjay Singh and Raghav Chadha, also defended Kejriwal questioning expenditures on the residences of the prime minister and chief ministers of BJP-ruled states.
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