The BJP on Monday slammed the Congress over photo of ‘khaki’ shorts on fire it posted on its Twitter handle in the context of its Bharat Jodo Yatra and said the photo tweeted by the opposition party was nothing “but instigating people for violence”. The khaki knickers are associated with the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS). “The photo tweeted by Congress is nothing but instigating people for violence. Congress has sent a message, through this photo, that people of particular ideology i.e. Sangh and BJP karyakartas should be eliminated,” BJP leader Sambit Patra said at a press conference.

“It’s not ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ but ‘Bharat Todo’ and ‘Aag Lagao Yatra’. This is not the first time Congress Party has done so. I want to ask Rahul Gandhi do you want violence in this country? Congress should take down this picture immediately,” he added.

Congress had in the morning tweeted the picture of ‘khaki’ shorts on fire. “To free the country from shackles of hate and undo the damage done by BJP-RSS. Step by step, we will reach our goal. BharatJodoYatra,” the Congress had tweeted.

Patra attacked Congress over the anti-Sikh riots in 1984. BJP MP Tejasvi Surya also accused the Congress of giving “their ecosystem” call for violence. He also said the Congress will be defeated in the assembly polls in Rajasthan and Chattisgarh where it is in power.

“Congress fire burnt Delhi in 1984. It’s ecosystem burnt alive 59 karsevaks in Godhra in 2002. They have again given their ecosystem a call for violence. With Rahul Gandhi ‘fighting against Indian State’, Congress ceases to be a political party with faith in constitutional means,” he said in a tweet.

“This picture is symbolic of Congress politics – of lighting fires in the country. Fires they lit in the past has burnt them in most of India. The remaining embers in Rajasthan & Chattisgrah will also reduce to ashes very soon. Save this tweet,” he added.

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