Ahead of the Madhya Pradesh Assembly polls, the BJP has nominated 17 candidates out of the 22 MLAs who are supporters of Jyotiraditya Scindia. However, this move has generated significant discontent among Scindia’s followers. Some of them have resorted to writing letters to Scindia in their own blood as a form of protest, while others have staged demonstrations by lying down in front of Scindia’s car outside his residence. Scindia has explicitly conveyed to his supporters that he made every possible effort to secure tickets for all of them, but the final decision rests with the party, and they must respect the party’s decision. Notably, the BJP did not grant a ticket to O.P.S. Bhadauria, who was one of the ministerial supporters of Scindia. Imarti Devi, who had previously lost in the Dabra by-election, has been granted a ticket once again.
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