The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday (2 March 2024) released the first list of candidates for Lok Sabha election 2024. Announcing the names of 195 leaders in the first list, the party also revealed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will once again fight from Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency.

BJP general secretary Vinod Tawde, who released the list at the party’s headquarters, stated that there are 34 Union ministers who have been named in the first round. The list also had 28 women candidates while 27 are from Scheduled Caste, 18 Scheduled Tribe and 57 from the OBC.

PM Modi has already given a slogan of “Ab ki baar 400 paar” for the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA). The party on its own is eyeing to cross 370 seats in the 545-member Lok Sabha.

The election for the Lower House of Indian Parliament are likely to take place in April and May. The results are likely to be declared in the latter half of May.