Late Sunday night, the BJP released the sixth list of candidates for Rajasthan polls. It included the names of three candidates- Girraj Singh Malinga, Deepak Kadvasra, and Arun Amraram Chaudhary. Earlier, the BJP released its fifth candidate list, in which the party announced 15 candidates. While Anshumaan Singh Bhati has been fielded from Kolayat, Gopal Sharma has been fielded from Civil Lines, and Prahlad Gunjal will be fighting from Kota North.

The BJP central election committee has also fielded Neerja Ashok Sharma from Rajakhera, Abhishek Singh from Masuda, Babu Singh Rathore from Shergarh, KG Paliwal from Mavli, Premchand Gochar from Pipalda, and Radheyshyam Bairva from Baran Atru, which is a Scheduled Caste majority constituency.

The BJP had earlier named 58 candidates in its third list of candidates for the Rajasthan polls. This included former MLA Ajit Singh Mehta from the Tonk constituency against the Congress leader and sitting MLA Sachin Pilot.Earlier in the 2018 state assembly polls, Sahin Pilot defeated BJP’s Yunus Khan, who was a minister in the previous Vasundhara Raje cabinet. The BJP has again fielded Shankar Lal Sharma from the Dausa constituency, which is currently ruled by Congress’s Murali Lal Meena.

In 2018, BJP’s Shankar Lal Sharma lost to Meena with 48,056 votes. In the 2018 assembly elections, the Congress won 99 seats, while the BJP won 73 seats in the 200-member house. Ashok Gehlot came to power with the support of BSP MLAs and independents.