The BJP on Thursday created a ruckus in the Jharkhand Assembly over alleged derogatory remarks made in the House earlier this week by Congress MLA Irfan Ansari against the party’s state president Babulal Marandi and tribals, and sought an apology from him.
This led to two adjournments in the House despite senior Congress leader and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Alamgir Alam seeking an apology for Ansari’s statement.
As soon as the House met for the day at around 11.10 am, saffron party legislators trooped into the well seeking an apology from the Congress leader Ansari over his alleged remarks against tribals and Marandi earlier this week.
BJP MLA Sashi Bhushan Mehta alleged that Ansari has insulted the state party president and former chief minister Marandi besides the tribal society with his derogatory remarks.
He alleged that Ansari had made the comment against both tribals and Marandi in the House on Tuesday.
This led to a face-off between the BJP’s Panki MLA Mehta and Jamtara legislator Ansari who also went to the well. However, the Congress’ Uma Shankar Akela and Manish Jaiswal of the BJP intervened and managed the situation.
This prompted Speaker Rabindra Nath Mahto to remark, “This (House) is not an Akhada (battlefield). Such behaviour from the members is not expected. I will not tolerate unparliamentary behaviour in the House.” Ansari claimed that he has been a well-wisher of tribals.