Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP Panchkula OBC Morcha has unveiled a new roster of district officials and divisional presidents. The announcement was made by BJP OBC Morcha District President Sunil Dhiman on Monday, following consultations with Morcha State President Karan Dev Kamboj, former minister and state leadership, and BJP District President Deepak Sharma. The updated list includes a blend of both new and familiar faces.
Sunil Dhiman, the OBC Morcha District President, has assigned key roles in his district team. Gurmeet Chaudhary has been appointed as District Vice President, and Praveen Saini assumes the role of General Secretary. Other responsibilities within the district team have been assigned to Sunil Chaudhary, Kashmira Singh, Gurcharan Kashyap, Rohit Saini, and Bhupendra Bairagi. The district secretaries include Balveer Kaur, Darshan Prajapati, Satpal Dhiman, Madanpal, and Shripal Saini. Additionally, Deepak Singh Beldar has been named treasurer, Krishna Kumar will handle media, and Chandrabhan Saini will lead social media efforts.
Furthermore, Sunil Dhiman has appointed Morcha presidents for all eight divisions in Panchkula district. Key appointments include Gurdayal Choudhary as Kalka Mandal President, Gajendra Sharma for Pinjore Mandal, Deepak Sharma for Morni Mandal, Naresh Choudhary for Raipur Rani Mandal, Naresh Kumar for Barwala Mandal, Shekhar Chaurasia for Nadda Mandal, Mahendra Dhiman for Chandi Mandal, and Sunil Dhiman himself for Mansa Mandal, where he will also serve as Chairman.
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