BJP MP Dr. Arvind Sharma raised the demand in the Lok Sabha to connect the Beri town with the railway. The MP stated that the history of the Beri town is significant, being a renowned religious town where the ancient temple of Mata Bhimeshwari Devi is located, along with the pilgrimage sites of Durvasa Rishi in Dubaldhan Majra, Shyam Temple, Mata Temple, and the sacred Jatela Dham. Thousands of devotees from across the country and abroad visit here during Navratri and other religious festivals. Despite being a religious destination, it is not yet connected by railway. The MP also handed over a demand letter to the Railway Minister regarding this matter, who assured him that his demand would be seriously considered.

Speaking in the Lok Sabha on Friday, MP Dr. Arvind Sharma strongly advocated for connecting the Beri town with the railway. He mentioned that the distance from Deeghal Railway Station to Beri is approximately 8 kilometers, and from Jhajjar Railway Station, it is about 10 kilometers. If the railway department connects Beri with any railway line, it will not only benefit the general public but also generate good revenue for the railway department. The MP suggested that Beri could be connected from either Jhajjar or Deeghal. This would connect several densely populated villages from Bahadurgarh to Mandhori, Matan, Chaara, Dujana, Beri, Dubaldhan Majra, and Dadri through railway lines. Furthermore, the MP also requested Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav to operate two special trains daily from Delhi to Bhiwani via Kosli for the convenience of daily rail passengers. He also demanded the expansion of the Ekatra Express to Kosli.

The MP expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister, Railway Minister, and Chief Minister for approving the metro expansion project from Bahadurgarh to Asaudha. He mentioned that work on the metro expansion will commence soon.