The BJP mocked Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s ‘speculated’ desire to run for Prime Minister in the 2024 Lok Sabha election as five of Nitish Kumar’s JD(U) MLAs in Manipur joined the BJP on Friday. Nitish Kumar, who the BJP’s Amit Malviya referred to as a “lame duck chief minister,” is “witnessing the decline of his party’s support in Bihar and elsewhere, but he still has aspirations of becoming prime minister,” Malviya added.

In order to become the chief minister of the Mahagathbandhan government, Nitish Kumar broke his alliance with the NDA in Bihar and formed a new coalition with the RJD and the Congress. Nitish Kumar was said to be considering running for prime minister in the unified opposition in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections when the Grand Alliance was renewed, but he downplayed these discussions.

Kh Joykishan, N Sanate, Md Achab Uddin, former DGP L M Khaute, and Thangjam Arunkumar joined the BJP in Manipur during the ongoing BJP-JD(U) turf battle. Prior to joining the JD(U), Khaute and Arunkumar had attempted to vie for office as BJP candidates in the assembly elections.

Following his reappointment as the Mahagathbandhan government’s chief minister, Nitish Kumar has refuted rumours regarding his aspirations for the country. Leaders of the Bihar JD(U) aren’t at all dismissive of the prospects, either. In fact, a banner advertising the party’s two-day national convention in Patna stated, “Pradesh mein dikha, desh mein dikhega,” suggesting that the nation will witness Nitish Kumar’s “excellent governance” and seemingly projecting him for a national position.

After the convention, Nitish Kumar will travel to Delhi to meet with senior Congress officials and express his gratitude for the coalition in Bihar.

The chief minister of Telangana, who met Nitish Kumar in Patna, stated that the opposition parties had not yet gathered to discuss their future strategy for the general election of 2024.