After a change in power, BJP legislators are making controversial statements one after another. Another BJP legislator from Sahada, Ladulal Pitliya, has made a viral video statement on social media. In the video, he advises doctors, saying, “Fear God, feel ashamed… the upcoming child will be handicapped and disabled. You will die in an accident.”
BJP legislator Ladulal Pitliya from Sahada in Bhilwara visited the Jay Ambesh Guru Satellite Hospital in Gangapur for a health inspection on Tuesday. During this, when the legislator did not find pictures of God in the hospital, he got angry and scolded the doctors. Not only that, the legislator also accused the doctors of corruption. After the video of this incident went viral, legislator Ladulal Pitliya clarified on Wednesday, saying, “The hospital’s arrangements have been messed up for the last 20 years. My intention was to improve the arrangements, but it has been misinterpreted.”
He instructed the officials to appoint an EPO and hire new staff to improve the conditions in the hospital. He also pointed out, “Patients are given medicines from outside, and tests have to be done from outside. Shame on you… God will not spare you; you will have handicapped and disabled children. Illegitimate earnings, what will you do with them? You will die in an accident. Walk with honesty; God will do much better.”
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