In a recent visit to Chennai, Home Minister Amit Shah pitched an idea to the Tamil people. As reported, in a closed-door meeting, the BJP may project a PM candidate from Tamil Nadu after 2026. Presently, two politicians with Tamil backgrounds are in the Modi cabinet. One is Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, and the other is S. Jayshankar. None of them are MPs from Tamil Nadu. Once the BJP won the Kanyakumari Lok Sabha seat. The home minister also laid down criteria for becoming PM. The person should be from a humble, poor background. Another condition was that in 2026, Tamil Nadu should elect a BJP Chief Minister. Dravidian parties are rejecting the idea and saying a Tamilian can be PM but not from the BJP.
Congress looking at SC on Delhi ordinance
The Congress Party is in a dilemma over whether to oppose the ordinance promulgated by the Central Government to nullify the Supreme Court Constitution Bench judgement for controlling administration as an elected government. Delhi state Congress leaders are putting pressure on the leadership not to side with AAP on the ordinance issue. Now most of the Congress alliance partners of UPA have supported AAP Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on the ordinance issue, except J-K National Conference. The high command of Congress is taking its time to decide on the issue. They are buying time with the hope that once the Supreme Court resumes its hearing after the summer vacation ordinance, it might be scrapped by the apex court. In that case they will be saved from the dilemma whether to support AAP on the ordinance issue.
Himanta given charge of Manipur crisis
Home Minister Amit Shah has finally given charge to Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma to find a resolution to the ongoing fight between the Meitei community and the Naga-Kuki tribal community of Manipur. First, he met the Chief Minister Biren Singh, and after that, he met several Naga-Kuki groups secretly in Guwahati to find an amicable solution to the ongoing tussle between the communities, which claimed several lives and destroyed properties. After the meeting, Kuki leaders expressed hope that the problem was going to be solved. One of the demands for removing the Chief Minister from the newly formed peace committee is being discussed. If it’s done, perhaps a solution to the problem will be seen in a few days.
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