As Rajya Sabha draws near, the battle for the ticket has intensified among the party stalwarts in the ruling saffron BJP in Haryana. Being upset with negligence, Kuldeep Who bid farewell to the Congress and joined hands with the BJP last year, is believed to be seeking a ticket for Rajya Sabha. However, in view of the long list of contenders for the ticket in fray, it would not be possible for the party to field him from Haryana and in wake of the prevailing scenario, the party is most likely to come up with another alternative.

Kuldeep Bishnoi is believed to be in the good books of the party and has strong hold among Bishnoi voters of Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab. Since, he succeeded in proving his mettle in Rajasthan after he was given the huge responsibility in polls and in view of the upcoming parliamentary polls, the BJP does not seem in a position to neglect his claim for the ticket. It is noteworthy that he threw his hat in the ring for the nomination from Hisar parliamentary seat last year which led to new political speculations and a stir in the state politics.

In such a situation, there is a discussion in the political circles that in order to galvanize the Bishnoi voters connected with the BJP ahead of upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Kuldeep Bishnoi will be elected from a seat in Rajasthan. Bishnoi voters will also be decisive in the Rajya Sabha parliamentary and Haryana assembly elections.

Having active participation in social, political along with religious spheres, Kuldeep and his family emerges one of the prominent political families in the state politics. He holds the portfolio of patron of All India Bishnoi Mahasabha which clearly indicated his influence among the people from community. BJP’s effective victory in Bishnoi dominated assembly seats, Kuldeep’s political stature also increased in front of the BJP high command. In such a situation, now the party is likely make him a member of Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan as a reward for his hard work. If this happens, Kuldeep Bishnoi will be the second leader from Haryana to become a member of Rajya Sabha from Haryana after Congress stalwart Randeep Singh Surjewala a member of Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan

Political experts are of the opinion that keeping in view the caste factors and equations, the BJP high command as well as the state leadership are on toes to accomplish mission-2024. It is noticeable fact that In order to solve the caste equations in Rajasthan, the BJP leadership fielded Kuldeep Bishnoi, son of former Chief Minister late Bhajan Lal Kuldeep Bishnoi can be made a member of Rajya Sabha. By doing the same, the BJP is trying to kill two birds with one stone, First to woo Bishnoi voters in Rajasthan in Parliamentary polls while second to gain political mileage in Haryana in forthcoming assembly polls. It is noteworthy that the voters from Bishnoi community play pivotal role on 10 parliamentary seats including 7 seats of Rajasthan, 2 seats of Haryana and 1 seat of Punjab.

Thus, it is evident from the ongoing political scenario that Bishnoi voters emerge as decisive faction on several seats. Apart from aforementioned, Bishnoi voters constitute a sizable vote share at least or more than 30 seats in Haryana and in this row, Kuldeep is belived to have a widespread acceptibiliy among the bishnoi voters in Rajasthan and to some extent it surfaced as the BJP emerged victorious on more than 20 seats where Kuldeep was assigned the responsibilty of co-in-charge for Rajasthan elections last year. Political experts are of the opinion that through his influence among the Bishnoi voters, the BJP could get a shot in the arm in assembly polls by winning a sizable chunk of the seats in Bishnoi-dominated seats.

In continuation to aforesaid, it is pertinent to mention that giving a berth Kuldeep Bishnoi in Rajas Sabha is most likely to benefit the BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. After he joined the BJP, he son Bhavay Bishnoi was fielded on BJP’s ticket in Adampur by polls held in 2022 and marked the victory. Despite his efforts and contrary to his expectations, his son could not get berth in the state cabinet. Notably that the Election Commission of India (ECI) announced the schedule recently for Rajay Sabha polls of 56 seats of Rajya Sabha in 15 states and the polls will be held on February 27. The elections to be held on 3 Rajya Sabha seats in Rajasthan this month.