Sanjay Tandon, former president of Chandigarh Pradesh BJP and co-incharge of Himachal Pradesh BJP, paid homage to the late former Union Minister and ex-Chandigarh MP, Harmohan Dhawan. Tandon visited the Sector-9 residence of Harmohan Dhawan, popularly known as ‘Harman Pyare,’ to pay his last respects and have a final glimpse of his mortal remains. Describing Dhawan as the messiah of the poor and the Bhishma Pitamah of Chandigarh politics, Tandon consoled the grieving family members during this difficult time.
Highlighting Dhawan’s close connection with people from all walks of life, Tandon emphasized his commitment to public welfare and the significant role he played in Chandigarh politics. Dhawan’s residence in Sector-9 became a gathering place for political leaders, party workers, and common citizens who came to pay their last respects to the departed leader. Tandon, reflecting on his decade-long association with Dhawan, expressed gratitude for the lessons learned and praised Dhawan’s soft-spoken demeanor.
The last darshan of Harmohan Dhawan’s mortal remains took place at his Sector-9 residence at noon, drawing leaders from various political parties and a multitude of people who came to offer their tributes. The final journey commenced from Dhawan’s Sector-25 residence around 2 pm, with a large gathering accompanying his mortal remains to the cremation ground. Sanjay Tandon, joining the procession, expressed his condolences to Dhawan’s family and provided support during the somber occasion.
Chandigarh Police personnel paid their last salute to Harmohan Dhawan, and his son Vikram Dhawan conducted the last rites, lighting the funeral pyre. The cremation ceremony witnessed an outpouring of grief, with family members, including Harmohan Dhawan’s wife Satinder Dhawan and son Bikram Dhawan, along with the attendees, visibly moved by the solemn moment.
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