The Maharashtra BJP has embarked on its ‘Jagar Yatra’ from Sevagram in the Wardha district, a strategic move aimed at connecting with the state’s Other Backward Classes (OBC) electorate, particularly amid the ongoing challenge of Maratha reservation policies. The yatra was officially launched in the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, and State BJP president Chandrashekhar Bawankule is spearheading this initiative.
This yatra, which spans eleven districts in the Vidarbha region during its first phase, will culminate at Poharadevi in the Washim district. The initial phase of the yatra will weave through OBC-dominated constituencies situated in the cotton belt of Vidarbha. This comprehensive journey will encompass ten Lok Sabha seats and 62 Assembly seats in the region.
Chandrashekhar Bawankule stated, “The primary objective of this yatra is to engage with the people of Vidarbha. Both the Central and state governments have implemented numerous welfare schemes and programs aimed at uplifting the OBCs, and we aim to apprise the public of these commendable government initiatives.”
This yatra’s timing is particularly noteworthy, as the state of Maharashtra is currently grappling with a contentious Maratha-versus-OBC reservation dispute, which has given rise to protests and unrest on both sides. Through a series of yatras and rallies, the state’s BJP leaders are working diligently to connect with their core OBC voter base.
A high-ranking party official, who is overseeing the yatra, stated, “The central purpose of this yatra is to instill confidence within the OBC communities, which have traditionally formed the bedrock of the BJP’s electoral support.”
This political journey will also traverse through constituencies represented by well-established OBC leaders from opposition parties, including the likes of Vijay Waddetiwar from the Congress and Anil Deshmukh from the NCP. The BJP seeks to fortify its standing among OBC voters by emphasizing its commitment to the welfare and development of this vital segment of the population.
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