National president of the BJP Kisan Morcha and MP Raj Kumar Chahar said, “New farm laws are in favour of farmers and will increase their income, but Congress and some other parties are misleading the farmers on the issue.” 

Talking to The Daily Guardian after attending a tractor rally organised by the Chandigarh unit of BJP in support of the farm laws here, he said that these laws were meant to empower farmers and Prime Minister Narender Modi had continuously taken the steps to increase the income of farmers. Neither the mandi system nor the MSP would be affected by these bills, he added. He said that the Prime Minister had clearly said that the MSP would continue.

 At the same time, he said that the Congress never did anything in the interest of the farmers and now that laws had been made for the benefit of farmers, Congress was opposing them, because it does not want their welfare. 

He also condemned the burning of a tractor near India Gate by “some youth Congress leaders” of Punjab and termed it as an insult to farmers. Chahar said, “I am a farmer and understand the pain of the farmers. 

By burning the tractor, Congress has insulted the farmers.” On the issue of SAD breaking ties with BJP, Chahar said that the alliance was 24 years old and it was not that bills came in one night. For 3-4 months, the Prime Minister and Union Agriculture Minister were working in this regard.