Former Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition Bhupinder Singh Hooda said the people of the state have lost faith in the BJP-JJP government, hence Congress is going to bring a no-confidence motion against it in the Assembly.

Hooda had come to participate in many social programs organized in Kurukshetra. Answering the questions of journalists, he said the coalition government has proved to be a failure on every front. “This government has proved to be a complete failure in providing employment to the youth, MSP to the farmers, salaries to the employees, relief to the traders and security to the citizens. This is the reason why today unemployed youth are protesting against recruitment scams, farmers are once again on the path of struggle for MSP, Patwaris are on strike and vegetable market traders have announced to go on strike,” he said.

Hooda said that Asha workers also have not received salaries for 6 months. In response to a question asked by farmers on the issue of march to Delhi, Hooda said that last time the government had announced to form a committee for MSP after the end of the movement, but till now farmers have not got the guarantee of MSP. Talking about compensation, the government deprived the farmers of 7 districts of Cluster-2 from insurance.
He said more than 2 lakh posts are lying vacant in government departments, but instead of filling them, the government is sending youth to Israel to work as labourers.

“Due to the war, people of other countries are evacuating their citizens from there, while the Haryana government is sending our youth to the war zone. A policy was made by Congress to end the contractual system. But today, through Skill Employment Corporation, the government itself has become a contractor and is taking commission even from the nominal salary received by the youth,” he said.