BJP is leaving no stone unturned on any front ahead of the Lok Sabha elections to be held next year. Party leaders and workers have been deployed in the field. The duties of MPs have been imposed to organize the ‘Jan Samvad’ programme.

After the Chief Minister, the government ministers have also started public dialogue by identifying 5 constituencies each. Now BJP has decided to set up call centers in all the ten Lok Sabha seats in the state.

Sources say that call centres are being created as per the decision taken at the central level. There will be a team of around 25 youths in a call centre. Computers, phones, and internet facilities are being arranged in the call centre.

Not only this, but this responsibility has been entrusted to some agency in Delhi. Trained youth will be appointed in these call centres by this agency. Feedback will be collected from the beneficiaries regarding the schemes of the Central and State Governments through the call centre.

Haryana BJP’s IT team head Arun Yadav is co-ordinating this entire campaign. The call centres will directly communicate with the beneficiaries of the Central Government’s Ayushman Bharat Yojana, Rs 6,000 annual Samman Nidhi to farmers, various types of insurance and road accident schemes, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana urban and other schemes.

The data of the beneficiaries of all the schemes has been made available to the call centre team by the Central and State Governments. Verification of this data can also be done through the call centre. For example, if a person has been shown to have received benefits on paper and in reality he has not received any benefit from the Central or State scheme, then his solution will also be solved through the call centre team. A complete list of such cases will be prepared and sent to the government.

Similarly, workers will be informed about various types of meetings of BJP, programs of central and state ministers and MPs etc. Generally, workers complain that they are not informed on time about the programs of ministers. The advantage of the call centres will be that all the workers will be invited to programs, meetings and rallies by personal phone call.