In a massive demonstration organized by BJP District Jammu, led by President Parmod Kapahi, hundreds of protestors gathered at Kachi Chawni Chowk, Jammu, burning an effigy of the Congress amidst intense sloganeering.

Former BJP State President Sat Sharma, accompanied by BJP Vice-President Yudhvir Sethi, Secretary Veenu Khanna, Media Incharge Dr. Pardeep Mahotra, and Spokespersons Purnima Sharma & YV Sharma, among others, participated in the protest. The demonstration aimed at expressing solidarity with Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar and condemning Congress’s actions.

Sat Sharma, addressing speaking to The Daily Guardian sa, accused Congress of dishonoring the Vice President, who hails from a farmer family and serves the nation in the honorable position of Vice President and Chairperson of Rajya Sabha. He deemed Congress’s actions an insult to the Indian Constitution and the entire nation, predicting a humiliating fate for Congress in 2024, alleged that the party has brought disgrace to the top Constitutional post and the entire nation.