The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Haryana has shifted gears into election mode at the onset of the new year. Following the announcement of an expanded organizational structure by party president Nayab Saini, BJP’s national president JP Nadda is embarking on a two-day tour across Haryana. His itinerary includes direct interactions with party workers.

Following this, he will participate in a core committee meeting. Additionally, the party has arranged a roadshow in Panchkula specifically for National President J P Nadda. Nadda aims to ignite fervor among the workers for the 2024 elections and impart the winning formula.Party’s national president JP Nadda will be given a grand welcome at the Housing Board on his arrival in Panchkula on January 6. After the welcome, a road show will be taken out under the leadership of Nadda at 11 am .

The roadshow is expected to draw thousands of workers and citizens. Workers will actively join, displaying party flags on bikes and cars throughout the event.Preparations are being made in full swing at the party level for JP Nadda’s visit to Haryana. State President Nayab Saini reached Panchkula along with Organization General Secretary Phanindra Nath Sharma.

Haryana BJP faces the challenge of repeating its 2019 Lok Sabha election performance. In this election, BJP had won 10 out of 10 Lok Sabha seats. The BJP’s central leadership aims to replicate the victories of 2014 and 2019 in the upcoming Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Haryana. Consequently, there’s a heightened emphasis from the party’s top brass on Haryana’s electoral prospects.

In Haryana, BJP is performing better in Lok Sabha as well as Assembly elections since last 10 years. This is the reason why pressure is increasing to form government for the third time in Haryana also. During the last assembly elections, BJP had to take the help of JJP. This time the central leadership of BJP wants that this time BJP should form the government on its own in Haryana.

BJP faced a crushing defeat in Himachal in the 2022 assembly elections. Congress was successful in forming the government there. Taking a lesson from the defeat in Himachal, BJP does not want to repeat the same mistake in Haryana. For this reason also, special focus is being given to Haryana.